Start Small and Scale

Solution Identification Process

The most common reason manufacturers haven't invested in Industry 4.0 is that they don't know where to start.  When manufacturers have a mechanical issue, they have a list of internal and external resources to call.  However, the same manufacturer will live with issues digital products could solve for years because of a lack of internal or external resources.  The second reason for not investing in industry 4.0 is the overwhelming number of options available.  We tackle these challenges by offering affordable, audited digital transformation solutions designed specifically for your needs.  

Please read below to learn more about our solution identification process.

Problem Definition

The best way to get alignment around change is to first agree on a problem worth solving. Knowing where to start is hard, so we start with the highest level organizational goals and seek to understand the levers we can pull that will move the needle. We use this first step throughout the implementation as our “true north” to ensure we are on the right path.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Identify Solutions

A quick search for the problem you’re attempting to solve will produce an overwhelming number of options. We have done the legwork for you to identify the best solutions for your unique needs. We typically introduce you to at least two or three solutions for your needs and provide you with all the information to make the final decision.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Audit Solutions

The audit process is one of the most critical parts of our solution identification process. We focus our audit on four areas:
      1. Cybersecurity & Data Management
     2. Technology Validation
      3. Ease of Use & On-Boarding
      4. Operational Execution Scalability
Our goal with the audit is to identify partners your IT will love and solutions that will integrate seamlessly into your existing systems in weeks instead of months.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Propose Solutions

After completing the above steps, we will introduce you to solutions that fit your goals and solve your problem. We will propose a phased approach that focuses on your defined goals to maximize ROI. Our solutions are hand-picked to be security-focused, lightweight, and customizable. We will agree on the right path forward, including milestones to measure success. We do all of this at no cost because your success is our success.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


Predicitive Technologies

Predictive technologies use artificial intelligence to do complex mathematical equations to predict an outcome. We use predictive technologies for demand forecasting, delivery time estimates, maintenance planning, quality assurance, and budgeting. Its strength is consuming a large amount of data and finding patterns and trends that will affect the outcome. Its weakness is that it can only predict based on the existing data. Black swan events are challenging to predict with limited historical precedent, but predictive technologies can be a guiding light after identifying patterns and trends.

Search Technologies

Search technologies have been used longer than most other artificial intelligence technologies but are not yet well-represented in most businesses. Everyone has searched to find a website or answer to their question, yet most organizations cannot easily search through historical data. Search technologies index data and use natural language or visualization technologies to produce results. It's used for visual inspection, historical data searches, or as an employee directory to find answers to tough questions on the fly. Its weakness is typically the lack of centralization of the data, which we can help. This technology will see significant adoption in the coming years as companies seek to be more efficient and reduce onboarding and training time.

Automation Technologies

Automation technologies are expanding from a focus on production activities in Industry 3.0 to company-wide in Industry 4.0. With labor shortages and the ever-growing complexity of a global market, organizations must find a way to automate more manual data entry processes and let humans do what only humans can do. Automation can impact virtually all repetitive manual data entry processes by proxy or direct. For some, it’s using a mixture of predictive and search technologies, and for others, it’s simply mimicking a manual process. Its weakness is the necessity of a well-defined process, but technology advancements are quickly overcoming these limitations. Examples include automating purchase orders, production tracking, quality inspection, and freight & marketing optimization.

Start Small and Scale

Digital Transformation Process

Cultural conflict is one of the most significant hindrances to Digital Transformation. Most company cultures aren't resistant to technology, but rather the burden technology can have on their employees’ ability to do their jobs well. For that reason, we have designed a minimally-invasive approach to digital transformation. Our goal is to use your existing systems, processes, and data to reduce adoption cost, training, and timing. We use industry-leading cybersecurity and data management protocols that will meet or exceed your needs. We also have solutions that don't require the moving or copying of your data for maximum data integrity and security.  

Please read below to learn more about our Digital Transformation process.

Collect Data

Data Collection is the most challenging phase of the digital transformation process. Most companies capture more data than ever before, but the data is siloed, and the systems don't talk to one another. For this reason, we have partnered with the most advanced data extract service providers in the industry to exceed your data management and security requirements while alleviating as much work as possible from your IT resources. The result is a single source of centralized data we will use to drive new insights.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Organize Data

Once the data is collected from the various systems, we organize it to drive new insights. Organizing the data starts by structuring, unifying, and cleaning it for use. This process leads to dashboarding, reporting, and advanced statistical analysis. Organizing also positions us for natural language search tool development and advanced insights from AI-driven models.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Dashboard Data

Every business aims to be data-driven, yet a recent survey showcased that only 33% of organizations have useful dashboards. There are dozens of dashboard solutions on the market, so it leaves you questioning, "why are so many businesses still not utilizing dashboards?"  We believe the primary issue is resolved in the two steps above, collecting and organizing your data. However, some feel they are given an overwhelming amount of data but still lack insight. We solve these problems with easy-to-onboard technologies your team will want to use because of the insights that move the needle.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Deep Data Insights

Deep Data Insights are unique to your business needs. When looking for more advanced or specialized insights, we seek to understand your goals and what moves the needle. That could include a custom predictive model or specialty applications like demand forecasting, logistic delivery prediction, preventive maintenance, or advanced production insights.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Automate Data Entry

After determining what insights will help your business, the next step is to automate data entry. This includes moving data from siloed systems to a centralized location, capturing new data by proxy, or programming well-defined data entry procedures. Automating will provide more data, driving better insights and more time for your most valuable asset - your people.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Common Questions

How do you work with our

Our goal is to be your IT department's favorite vendor! Every company has unique needs and challenges, so our goal is to understand them and present a plan for success. We have partnered with a wide range of vendors so we can meet and exceed your most stringent cybersecurity requirements. Our solutions include on-prem, on-cloud, no data movement, and even connecting to your systems with only login credentials. Whatever your industry and preference, we will meet and exceed your needs.

What are the most
common challenges?

The three most common challenges are knowing where to start, organizing your data, and overcoming resistance to change. We help you determine where to start by understanding your goals and what moves the needle. Organizing your data is the most significant technical challenge, but we have numerous solutions depending on your needs. People generally don't love change unless the change improves their life, so we strive to empathize with their struggles and find win-win solutions.

How much does it cost?

All of our projects are custom quoted. Our quoting process is to understand your goals and hurdles, develop a project plan with clear ROI, and quote the solutions that fit your specific needs. Most of our solutions are Software as a Service (SaaS) products paid monthly, quarterly, or annually. We do not charge any consultancy fee or other fee for developing your project plan.